Great results are created by great teams

Who we are

For over 20 years, TeamExpert has specialised in creating high-performance teams, based on selected tools from the business, military and academic worlds.

We have a special focus on creating High Performance based on military feedback models.

Our programmes

Over time, we have collectively run more than 10,000 teams through our programmes.

We are thus used to creating change processes in teams and companies, based on execution, action and performance, with tools that can be put into use immediately.

Typical team challenges

How do you motivate your team to make a difference every day?

Team building days, where the team is challenged in feedback and the ability to solve complex problems

How to create a high-performance team?

Through team missions, where the team is challenged in a more intense way on their ability to work together in an unknown environment

How do you create a team with a strong culture and cohesion?

Through High Performance courses with associated tools, which are directly applicable in the team's everyday life